Invitation for Bids – Sri Lanka Railways Procurement No. – SRS/F.8094 – Supply of 200,000 Nos. GRN Insulators
Invitation for Bids – Sri Lanka Railways Procurement No. – SRS/F.8094 – Supply of 200,000 Nos. GRN Insulators
I wish to inform you that, the Chairman of the Department Procurement Committee (Major) on behalf of Sri Lanka Railways has invited sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Supply of 200,000 Nos. GRN Insulators to Sri Lankan Railways.
Closing date for the above is on or before 18th March 2025 at 02.00 pm. (Sri Lanka local time GMT+5:30).
Please find attached herewith a copy of the notice of the above procurement.
It would be appreciated, if you could kindly make necessary arrangements to disseminate the same among your membership.
Thank you.
With warm regards,
Shirani Ariyarathne
Actg. Consul General
Minister (Commercial)
Consulate General of Sri Lanka
34, Homi Mody Street, Fort
Mumbai 400001
Tel: (+ 91 22 )22045861/22048303
Fax: (+ 91 22) 22876132
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