The Chamber’s Labour Department has for over four decades, been providing services in matters pertaining to industrial and labour relations.

Centre for Mediation and Conciliation (CMC) has been launched to promote mediation as a dispute resolution mechanism of first resort before resorting to adversarial methods of dispute resolution.

To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions between parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decision of the Chamber is enshrined in the 'objects clause’ of the Memorandum of the Bombay Chamber.Each arbitral reference to the Bombay Chamber is examined on the following parameters before initiating the arbitral process.

Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry issue Visa Recommendation letters to representatives of member Firms.

Bombay Chamber of Commerce & industry is officially authorised by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India to issue Certificate of Origin in respect of goods exported from India. The Bombay Chamber also attests Export Documents like Invoices, Packing List, Declaration etc. as required by the applicant for facilitating their trade activities.

We have Board Rooms, Meeting Room, Lounge and Training Rooms available for hire.

Publications provide up-to-date, authentic and useful information to the Members. Various reports and opinions from Industry experts makes these publications a valuable resource supporting business growth.

When commercial disputes arise, Bombay Chamber’s market-leading dispute resolution services can be relied on to resolve them as efficiently and economically as possible.

The Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry as its allied services, provide Secretarial Service to Container Shipping Lines Association (India), popularly known as CSLA.