Webinar on Emotional Intelligence & Resilience Building

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Webinar on Emotional Intelligence & Resilience Building

Webinar on Emotional Intelligence & Resilience Building

873 873 people viewed this event.


Emotions are hard to define. Even among experts, there is still no consensus on a unified definition of emotions. However, emotions are important states of our mind caused by neurotransmitters in the brain and can affect how we feel about ourselves and the world. If we are controlled by our emotions, we may struggle at their bidding. If however, we learn to control (not suppress) our emotions, we can become more powerful and live more fulfilling and enriched lives. Emotional Intelligence (EI) provides us that ability – to understand and manage our own emotions and consequently our behaviors, and also to understand the emotions of the opposite person and respond appropriately. EI encourages us to not only become more self-aware but it also helps us understand the external world and the various perspectives situations may present. EI is a combination of both nature and nurture and it can be enhanced to provide an impetus to personal and professional growth. This workshop is aimed at providing you the requisite information, identifying how you can improve your emotional intelligence and providing you the tools to get there.

Benefits of Developing Emotional Intelligence

  • EI will help you grow in the organization.
    Developing better EI will help you in developing your leadership and other skills that will provide you an edge over others in your organization. If you are calm in a crisis, you will perhaps deal with irate customers, vendors, employees, bosses and other stakeholders better. EI will enable you to approach a problem rationally rather than impulsively and your problem solving skills will also get enhanced as a result.
  • EI will flag off potential mental health risks
    Conflicts lead to stress and stress poses mental health risks. If a stressful environment in an organization is dubbed as a high-energy, high-paced environment, employees will experience burn out sooner or later. EI will help flag those risks off so that the leadership can take appropriate steps to balance employee wellbeing and productivity.
  • EI will make work less stressful
    Even if your workplace is stressful, developing EI will help you deal with the stress better. Workplaces are stressful and some stress is even necessary as it helps you deal with new challenges better and grow. However, if it gets too much, stress will affect productivity. With higher EI, you will learn to get along better with your team members and other employees as you would be better able to understand their viewpoint. You will learn to deflect their negativity and not respond to it with more negativity, thereby diffusing explosive situations adaptively.
  • EI will help you appreciate constructive criticism
    Sometimes when feedback provided to us is negative we may get defensive and even go in denial. If the criticism or feedback is coming during appraisal time from our bosses, defensiveness and denial will not help. They may, in fact harm our growth prospects. EI will help you control your negative emotions that arise during a feedback session and be more receptive to it.
  • EI will help you become more confident
    We cannot be experts at everything and at times we fail at some projects and suffer setbacks. Some of us though, are more adept at handling setbacks better than others. The difference is EI. With better EI, you will develop the resilience and competency to be able to look at failure in the face and not let that pin your confidence down.

Topics Covered

  • Understanding the concept and importance of Emotional Intelligence.
  • Understanding the components of developing better EI.
  • Developing Self-Awareness, Social Skills, Mindfulness, Internal Motivation, Empathy
  • Application of EI to Business Practices

How will EI help?

Better EI will help employees to recognize their emotions and take responsibility for the feeling so that they can communicate what they need rather than how they feel. This will enhance social skills, foster a positive work environment and consequently boost productivity along with a sense of fulfillment rather than resentment in employees.

Training Methodology

Workshop with interactive instruction including team events, games and quizzes.


Dr. Sunil Punjabi is an author, a Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy practitioner, and a mindfulness coach. He has a Masters in Clinical Psychology and a doctorate from California. In his earlier avatar he was a media professional and he moved to the field of mental health 16 years ago. He has been a content contributor for various websites in the field of mental health. He is the founder of Unshackle Counselling, a venture focused to help people out of their mental health struggles and live more fulfilling lives. He has helped over 1000 people in their recovery journey through one-on-one sessions, having conducted roughly 10,000 hours of coaching, counselling and

He has been a guest speaker and coach in several MSME companies and schools, on topics, related to both mental health and general wellbeing either at home or work. Collectively, he has addressed approximately 10,000 people on various topics such as goal setting, beating procrastination, time management, mental health awareness, work-life balance and others. He has also published two books and is writing his third.

Knowledge partner

Participation Fee :

Members Rs. 2,000 + 18% GST
Non-Members Rs. 2,500 + 18% GST
Bank Details for NEFT
Account No. 10996680930
Bank Name State Bank of India
Branch Address Mumbai Main Branch

Cheque /Demand Draft should be drawn in favor of “BOMBAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY”

Contact Details :

Ms. Shruti Rathod
Email : shruti.rathod@bombaychamber.com
Tel : + 91 22 6120 0268

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Event Fees Type


Event or Seminar - Workshop

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 11:00 AM to
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 01:00 PM

Registration End Date

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


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