I wish to inform you that “2nd International Symposium on Drug Related Studies – 2024”, will be held in December 2024 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The event is organized by the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board in Sri Lanka in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The Symposium aims to bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss evidence-based research, innovative strategies, and best practices in drug prevention and control. The theme for this year’s symposium is “Balanced and Coordinated Strategy for Building a Drug-Free Community: with Active Citizen Engagement”, which emphasizes the need for comprehensive dialogue around issues related to drug supply control and demand reduction.
Attached herewith an e-flyer of the above symposium.
It would be appreciated, if you could kindly make necessary arrangements to disseminate the above information among your membership.
Thank you
With warm regards,
Shirani Ariyarathne
Actg. Consul General
Minister (Commercial)
Consulate General of Sri Lanka
34, Homi Mody Street, Fort
Mumbai 400001
Tel: (+ 91 22 )22045861/22048303
Fax: (+ 91 22) 22876132
E -mail: slcg.mumbai@mfa.gov.lk