Webinar on Decoding Ergonomic Guidelines for Hybrid Work

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Webinar on Decoding Ergonomic Guidelines for Hybrid Work

Webinar on Decoding Ergonomic Guidelines for Hybrid Work

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Ergonomics is the science that fits the task to the worker. Too often, employees perform tasks in hazardous postures or environments that may cause them injury, either immediately or over time. The main work-related health problems affecting office employees are pain, discomfort, stress, visual fatique and even injury. These can be the result of sedentary work, highly repetitive tasks and working in awkward positions due to an incorrect workstation set up. Improving ergonomics at the workplace can address many of these issues while positively impacting your bottom-line. Effective ergonomics benefits both employers and employees through improved health and safety, higher productivity and lower costs.

Objective :

Increase knowledge of ergonomics in order to recognize potential ergonomic problems in DE (Display Screen Equipment) work while at office /home or third space

Key Content

The program will explain a number of common ergonomic risk factors that are easily identified and recognized at a typical user work arrangement in office/home setup. By learning risk factors & principles participant awareness of their importance will be heightened and ability to assist in finding solutions will be greatly improved.

Focus of programme will be

  • Creating awareness on health implications of working in wrong postures
  • Study early discomfort signs of MSDs.
    (Musculoskeletal Disorders)
  • Understand evidence based process for primary documentation of ergonomic risk factors.
  • Learn ergonomic principles for DSE work in office /home.
  • How to adopt right ergonomic posture while working
  • providing workout tips while working from home and office

Who Can Attend :

This programme is only designed for Occupational Health Professionals, HR Head and Team members, EHS- HSE Head and Team members, Administration Heads and Team, Facility Heads and Managers, Office managers, Professionals and Any other staff directly involved with workplace management & safety.

Participation Fee :

Members Rs. 2,000 + 18% GST (per participant)
Non-Members Rs. 2,500 + 18% GST (per participant)
Bank Details for NEFT
Account No. 10996680930
Bank Name State Bank of India
Branch Address Mumbai Main Branch

Cheque /Demand Draft should be drawn in favor of “BOMBAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY”

Contact Details :

Aneeha Neeraja Rajan
Email : aneeha.rajan@bombaychamber.com
Tel : + 91 22 6120 0227

Additional Details

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Event Fees Type


Event or Seminar - Workshop

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Friday, July 28, 2023 03:00 PM to
Friday, July 28, 2023 05:00 PM

Registration End Date

Friday, July 21, 2023


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