
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The orders dated 28th April 2021, inter alia, state:
(i) The National Directives for COVID-19 Management, as specified in Annexure Il, shall continue to be strictly followed throughout the country.
(ii) All the District Magistrates shall strictly enforce the containment measures taken by States/ UTS and the National Directives.
(iii) Any person violating these measures will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Section 188 of the IPC, and other legal provisions as applicable.


1. Face coverings: Wearing of face cover is compulsory in public places; in workplaces; and during transport.
2. Social distancing: Individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet (2 gaz ki doori) in public places.
Shops will ensure physical distancing among customers.
3. Spitting in public places will be punishable with fine, as may be prescribed by the State/ UT local authority in accordance with its laws, rules or regulations.

Additional directives for Work Places
4. Work from home (WfH): As far as possible the practice of Wfl-l should be followed.
5. Staggering of work business hours will be followed in offices, work places, shops, markets and industrial & commercial establishments.
6. Screening & hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash or sanitizer will be made at all entry points and of hand wash or sanitizer at exit points and common areas.
7. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact e.g. door handles etc., will be ensured, including between shifts.
8. Social distancing: All persons in charge of work places will ensure adequate distance between workers and other staff

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