
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The Govt of Maharashtra has issued a notification dated 27th November 2021 announcing its decision to allow all economic, cultural, social, sports and entertainment activities subject strict adherence to CAB (Covid Appropriate Behaviour).


Key highlights :
l. Adherence to CAB (Covid Appropriate Behaviour):
Strict adherence to CAB as laid down by the State and Central Government from time to time shall be observed by all, including the service providers, owners of premises, licensees, organizers etc. as well as all visitors, service takers, customers, guests etc.


2. Requirement of being Fully Vaccinated:
a. All persons connected with the organization of any program, event or show, ticketed or non-ticketed, as well as all service providers and participants (like players, actors etc.), visitors, guests, customers shall be fully vaccinated as per the definition of the same given hereinafter.

b. Any shop, establishment, mall, event, gathering etc. where a member of public has a right to come and get services must be manned by fully vaccinated persons and all visitors, customers for such places shall be fully vaccinated.

c. All public transport shall be used only by fully vaccinated persons.


3. Travel into Maharashtra State:
All travellers into state from any international destination shall be governed by directions of Government of India in this respect. All domestic travellers into the state shall either be fully vaccinated as defined hereinafter or shall carry a RT-PCR test valid for 72 hours.


4. Restriction on attendance in any program, event etc.:
a. In case of any program/ event/ activity happening in an enclosed/ closed space like a cinema hall, theatre, marriage hall, convention hall etc, people up to 50 percent of the capacity of the space will be allowed.


5. Definition of being Fully Vaccinated: A fully vaccinated person will mean-
Any person who has received both doses of the vaccine and 14 days have lapsed since the administration of the second dose; or

Any person having a medical condition that does not allow him or her to take the vaccine and has a certificate to that extent from a recognised doctor; or A person who is less than 18 years of’ age


6. CAB rules and fines:
Definition: CAB can be defined as lhe everyday common behaviour needed to be followed by individuals and organisalions to curb the spread of the COVID virus and thereby breaking [he chain of transmission of the same.


Following are some aspects of basic COVID) appropriate behaviour that have to be followed by everyone at all times. All organisations are to ensure that all their employees, visitors to their campuses, customers or anyone engaged in any activity of the organisations, directly or indirectly, follow the same and shall be responsible for enforcing the same on their campus and/ or while transacting the transactions related to business or other activities related to concerned organization.

Organisations are also responsible for availability of hand sanitisers, soap & water, thermal scanners etc. required for following CAB by all such personnel at all such locations that are under its control or where it is transacting its business or other activities.

Wear a mask at all times in the right way. Mask should cover nose and mouth at all times. (An handkerchief will not be considered as mask & person using would be liable for fine.)


Maintain social distancing (6 feet

Penalties :
• Any individual not following CAB expected is these rules shall be fined Rs. 500!- for each instance of default.

• If the default by an individual is seen in any premises of organization or establishment that is supposed to impose CAB on their visitors, customers etc., in addition to imposing fine on the individual, these organizations or establishments shall also be fined Rs. 10,000/-.

If any organization or establishment is seen to be a regular defaulter in ensuring discipline for CAB in its visitors, customers etc. such organization or establishment shall be closed till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.

If an organization or establishment fails to follow CAB or SOP itself, it will be liable to be fine of Rs. 50000/- for each instance.

Frequent defaults shall lead to closure of the organization or establishment till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.

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